Pastor Reginald Morris Lane

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Ephesians 2:10 NRSV

If ever there was a life that expressed the truth of this scripture, the life of Reginald Morris Lane certainly did. Born November 19, 1960 in Detroit, MI, to Lucy M. Henderson, Reggie came to know hard times at a young age. As a youth, he took to the streets of the inner city and found life to be rough and unpredictable.

With no interest in education, he focused his attention on less productive pursuits and found himself in one troubled situation after the other. Little did he know that the Lord was orchestrating a far greater plan in his life that was soon to unfold.

In the spring of 1977 Reggie found himself facing what seemed to be an inescapable jail sentence. In his desperation, he called out to God in petition for his life and made God a promise that he didn’t fully consider or grasp the weight of. “Lord, if you get me out of this situation, I will live my life fully for You!”

To his amazement, all charges were dropped and he found himself free to roam the streets he thought he would never see again. Still not realizing that it was the favor of the Lord that protected him from that situation, it took Reggie two years to make good on his promise.

In June 1979 Reginald Lane gave his life to the Lord. From that moment forward, he dedicated himself to growing as a Christian and seeing that growth manifest itself in every area of his life. His eyes were opened to the reality of the work of Christ Jesus in his life, and he yearned to give God more. He often prayed, “Lord, let my life be an expression of the great command which says ‘ Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And though shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might…’”

It was during these moments of worship that he felt the Lord pulling on him, and Reginald answered the call to ministry in 1981 at the age of 20. Two years later the Lord blessed him to meet and marry the love of his life, Kelly Lynn Lane. Out of that union was born four children: Reggie Jr., Matthew, Brittany, and Rachel.

In 1991, by the function of the Lord and with the support of his wife, Pastor Lane founded the Dunamis Outreach Ministries according to the vision God began to unfold in him nearly ten years earlier. In addition to the church in Detroit, he is a member of the International Counsel of Rhema Churches in London, England, and he has been overseeing the Saleth Saline Ministries in New Delhi, India since 1994.

With a desire to reach beyond the four walls of this local church, Reginald Lane founded an evangelistic outreach ministry called RML Ministries whose entire objective is to reach this generation with the message of Christ and influence the culture toward Christ the King. Embedded in this mission is his passion to reproduce worship centers where Jesus is the celebrated focus throughout the United States and the entire world.

DOM opened the doors to its first satellite church in September 2003 in Atlanta, GA and the Lord has continued to expand that work over the years. He was also blessed to produce several television and radio programs along with two musical albums.

Believer, husband, father, pastor, songwriter, television and radio producer, community leader…

Pastor Lane attributed any success he ever had in life, both personally and publicly, to the goodness of the Lord. He realized that it was by God’s grace that he was saved from a life of sin and it was by that same grace that he grew and flourished over the years. Above all else, he was thankful for God’s presence in his life and he used every opportunity he could to express that gratitude…

To God be the glory!